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Friends of Thornden School

Who are FOTS?

You are!

Every parent or carer with a student at Thornden is automatically a member of Friends of Thornden School (FOTS), our PTA, a charity set up for the benefit of Thornden students. 

While Thornden is a fantastic school with huge amounts going on in terms of educational and extra-curricular activities, FOTS are there to provide the extras which are not normally covered by school funding but which will enrich and enhance the experience of all Thornden pupils. 

How can I help?

We would be delighted to have your financial support as we try to provide money for the extras. While we do run the occasional event, the PTA’s main method of fundraising is now our Gift Aid Donation Scheme, details of which are below. This is what has helped us give almost £100,000 to the school in recent years.

If you do online shopping, signing up for thegivingmachine and easyfundraising and making FOTS a beneficiary enables commission from your online spending to benefit your child at no extra cost to you.

We have friendly termly meetings which you are always most welcome to attend. FOTS serve refreshments at some events and sell second hand uniform throughout the year. If you’d like to help practically, then please do get in touch via  or on our Facebook page.

Together we can make a big difference!

The FOTS Team 

  • Chair: Polly Gleeson
  • Vice Chair: Nic Lansdowne
  • Treasurer: Simon Burns and Windell Callaghan
  • Staff Liaison: Lou Peaston (Assistant Headteacher)

Plus the fantastic (growing) team 

…and you too? The more the merrier.

FOTS Donation Scheme

Friends of Thornden School – funding the ‘extras’ to enrich the experience of all students at our outstanding school and developing a sense of community.

FOTS Donation Scheme Form

Donation Scheme Information

FAQS FOTS Donation Scheme


Latest AGM minutes 

Latest FOTS Bids Meeting minutes

Successful Bids 2015 onwards

Successful Bids powerpoint