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At Thornden School, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and we are committed to providing the nurturing environment every child deserves. 

We have clear and robust systems and processes in school that help us to identify the needs of our students and allow us to be pre-emptive in our support and education of you to hopefully make positive choices to keep you and other safe. 

If you ever have a concern about your safety or well-being, that something has happened that has made you feel unsafe, or people been unkind to you or someone else, please report it immediately to the school. 

We know it is not always easy to just come and speak to us, so if there is something you are worried about and want someone to know and to help please complete the online form, shared with you each week on Show my Homework. It will then be picked up by myself, Pastoral Support and your Head of Year

Remember that you can also report any concerns in the following ways as well

  • Contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr A Thomas, or our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs S Kingsley.Smith, 

  • Speak to anyone in the Safeguarding Team. You can pick them out by their purple lanyards.

  • Speak to any member of staff - all have had safeguarding training

  • You can also report any concerns on the homepage of our website by simply clicking on the ‘Report Concern’ icon. This will then be sent to myself, your Head of Year and Mrs Kingsley-Smith. 

Many thanks, 

Mr A Thomas 

Deputy Headteacher