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At Thornden School, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and we are committed to providing the nurturing environment every child deserves. 

We have clear and robust systems and processes in school that help us to identify the needs of our students and allow us to be pre-emptive in our support and education of them to keep them safe. A recent Year 7 Student Voice panel described our school as ‘very safe’ and that they felt as if members of staff worked hard to help them to keep themselves safe as well, which was great to hear. 

If you ever have a concern about the safety or well-being of your child or another student, please report it immediately to the school. You can report concerns in the following ways: 

  • Contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr A Thomas, or our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs S Kingsley.Smith, 

  • Speak to your child's Head of Year 

  • You can also report any concerns on the homepage of our website by simply clicking on the ‘Report Concern’ icon. This will then be sent to myself, the Head of Year and Mrs Kingsley-Smith. 

We take all safeguarding reports seriously and will follow strict procedures to investigate any concerns raised and your report will be handled sensitively and confidentially. 

Protecting children and ensuring their safety is a shared responsibility between home and school, so thank you in advance for your vigilance and partnership to keep our students safe and I would ask you to reinforce with your child that they can raise any concerns they have by: 

  • Speaking to any staff member, but especially their tutor, HOY or any of the pastoral and / or safeguarding team. 

  • Each week students are sent a quiz on Show my Homework (Satchel) offering them an opportunity to raise any concerns they have. 

  • Worry Boxes – we have worries boxes placed around the school, including in the Well Being Den 

  • The ‘Report a Concern’ link on the school homepage. 

  • Each time they log onto a school device the homepage is the report a concern page. 

  • Student Bulletin – the ‘Report a Concern’ link is in here each week. 

Many thanks, 

Mr A Thomas

Deputy Headteacher